September 13, 2016

We got what you want....

It's that time of year again. September. The kids are back in school and you are struggling with the routine, packed lunches, chauffeuring to every activity imaginable...that is, if you have kids. If not, while lucky you, your favorite beach isn't packed and, now this. For those of you in the midst of September's struggles, consider this a treat, and for those of you breezing through the month, consider it the icing on your cake. A SEA OF BLOOM IS HAVING A JEWLERY SALE. Starting THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, two cabinets will be bursting at the seams with sterling sliver and gemstone rings, bracelets, earrings and necklaces at 35% off. Of course, after Thursday I imagine those seams will be less stressed. 

Owner Karen Stones wants to bring the best to Sooke and painstakingly chooses each piece of jewelry on the shelves at A Sea of Bloom. “It's one of the things I find so fascinating about gemstones,” says Stones. “There are just so many types and cuts. I always try to find unique stones or settings when purchasing for the store,” she says.

She is also interested in the healing properties of gemstones. “Each different stone has a very unique physical, emotional and spiritual property,” she says. When I asked for examples, these were just few she gave, with help from her Big Book of Crystals: 

Peridot – Physical Properties
This stone is used to elevate heaviness of heart and all manner of heart related imbalances. It helps strengthen the blood and can be used to counter anemia and poor oxygenation. It is also an excellent stone to use in recovery from tobacco addiction. I can think of better reasons but buying jewelery sure seems like a great excuse to finally kick the habit... if I could name names here, I would.


Rose Quartz – Spiritual Properties
The Rose Quartz is one of the most humble and yet most powerful of the spiritual allies. It turns the heart towards love and bathes the body, mind and spirit in that healing and enlightening frequency. Plus, it's pink.

Lapis Lazuli – Emotional Properties
This stone helps you move your own consciousness beyond the mundane and allows you to identify habits, patterns and lessons that may be difficult to perceive and may be blocking you spiritually. And, it is just so beautiful.

So come in to A Sea of Bloom this Thursday and pick out your perfect piece.

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